The post-COVID world and its forms of entrepreneurship

The novel coronavirus and the crisis it has generated have seen many a sleepless night for countless companies and enterprises. The search for alternatives and solutions to “survive” has been key in the so-called new normality.

The phenomenon has also spread to social networking sites, which have functioned as better allies in times where physical distance has become the most important of antidotes. Previously, we referred to some tips to stay up to date with your clients/followers.

The time has now come for us to review this strategy, which we also adopted in the digital space, and to rethink our next steps, because as some communication specialists have expressed, “the future cannot be predicted by looking at the past, but it is always worth visiting.”

Therefore, it is very important that you take some time to review your statistics, evaluate and create with the resources you have at hand. In other words, conduct a small digital audit that allows you to develop actions or implement and refine some that you already used.

The indicators to take into account vary depending on the type of business you conduct, and you can adapt them to its characteristics and add those you consider necessary. Likewise, take into account the specificities of the different social networks you use. You can use the following as a guide:

  • Content: Related to the type of post you create every day. Text, links, images, videos, gifs. What works best for your clients/followers? What kind of messages do they seek or need from you?
  • Metrics: Pay attention to the statistics that your digital spaces generate: the reach of publications, impressions, interactions (reactions and comments). Although there are specialized tools for this type of service, it is highly recommended to use those generated by the networks themselves. We’ll go into this further on.
  • Audiences: In a previous issue, we talked about the challenge of focusing messages. Well, it’s time to get better at this. Pay attention to the overall growth that your networks have seen in this period, and who your main customers/followers are in each of them. In this regard, we suggest reviewing the demographic statistics (countries, cities, gender, ages) both generally and according to publication type.
  • Interaction: Although we have left it till last, this indicator is not the least important. On the contrary, it stands out for bringing together everything discussed up to this point. It’s important that you are aware of the reaction your products spark from your clients/followers and vice versa. Evaluate behaviors and pay special attention to your responses to their concerns and/or suggestions. What do you take on board and what do you put aside?
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