Corporate social responsibility and communications in times of coronavirus
BY Héctor García Torres
The world has been put to the test with the emergence and spread of the novel coronavirus. It has forced us to work together, in one way or another, to overcome it. This has taken the efforts of all, not just health workers; there have been many shows of solidarity and collective or business responsiveness in the face of this challenge.
It is not only health personnel who have to face this task. Today, many small and medium enterprises, restaurants, ventures and many other private businesses, are devoting time and resources to alleviating the situation. Some have adapted their business model to offer their services to people’s homes; others, with the necessary measures to continue their work in safe conditions. There are those offering free meals; many who are sewing and donating face masks. The examples abound, and speak well of a society that wants to overcome this bad patch as soon as possible.
These are examples of corporate social responsibility, defined as the contribution to sustainable human development through a commitment to society as a whole.
What is the responsibility of information and communications technology entrepreneurs?
The majority of people don’t have much time to read online, and as such they want to be told what they need to know quickly and factually. In response to this atypical epidemiological situation and social isolation, those of us who work in communications have the challenge of generating useful and easily comprehendible content for all.
Communications are an intangible and extremely important asset in this battle against the coronavirus: raising awareness, calling for good acts, and informing and accompanying readers. The companies that manage third party profiles on social media have at their disposal communications channels that can help provide guidance on the current situation, offering well-being, hygiene and healthy eating tips and advice. This is a pleasant, and even fun task.
However, communications in these circumstances are not simple, and require reflection on the sources, language and approach used. Reaching our audiences is a challenge in the midst of an abundance of fake news and an excess of information.
Here at Gerbet, we believe a good formula is to plan our communications in stages: first, through disaster risk reduction based on informative themes; next, using content that raises awareness and offers messages of public welfare as a response to the crisis; and finally, supporting the social and emotional recovery of the affected population.
Although these actions may appear “common” and are difficult to appreciate as they aren’t tangible, today, nothing like communications can offer so much to the community and society as a whole. This should be the leading social and cultural role, and the function that guides and influences all who work in communications; who can do a lot of good if they work with a commitment to their community, its welfare and devolvement.
At the same time, the leadership and responsibility of an enterprise do not go unnoticed by their peers or clients. The result will always be beneficial in the long term, as the positive impact these practices have on society translate to greater competitiveness, greater productivity and a solid public image.