Mayvic Degado based her undergraduate Art History dissertation on private advertising in Cuba. “I advised that the self-employed had to advertise, show their strengths faced with the competition, use communications and promotional tools.”
Research, combined with her experience as Community Manager for the band Toques del Río and producer of the Revista Garbos magazine, as well as that of photographer May Reguera, contributed to consolidating a marketing and advertising project named Madwoman.
“I have been linked to creative and art direction, event organizing, the promotion of different brands, communications work, and even curatorship of exhibitions. All of that helped me to found this agency some six months ago,” Degado notes.
The business, the name of which was inspired by the U.S. series on advertising, Mad Men, brings together a team responsible for strategic conceptualization processes, market and audience studies, public relations, graphic design, video and photography, among other services.
“Firstly, we explain to clients the importance of advertising and undertake a previous analysis to learn what they want, the characteristics of the users of their website, the language, the visual resources, we measure the quality of the offers and prices. We are responsible for promoting them in digital spaces.”
The first event planned and advertised by the agency was the photographic exhibition ‘Dos’, a sign of the agency’s interest in promoting young artists, initiatives and ideas. “We invited a curator who guided the process of the construction of the images, we coordinated on the museography of the pieces and came up with a campaign aimed at the world of fashion and the artistic scene.”
Madwoman also designs media plans, such as the creation of flyers, banners and promotional videos, as well as the distribution proposal. Likewise, the agency offers personalized attention, the drawing up of a content agenda and social media positioning.
“Among our potential clients is Mandao, a project with solid and clear objectives, and both businesses have grown together. The important thing is to gain the trust of our clients and for them to demand our time, energy, enthusiasm and creativity,” Degado concludes.