Since the pandemic began, many enterprises have begun to have greater visibility on social networks and online. They also began to explore and grow on these platforms, even establishing online sales channels (WhatsApp catalogs, websites, Cuban payment gateways, among others).
But there is nothing like finding everything in one place, online as well. In part, that’s what Slyk ( does, an e-commerce platform focused on cell phones, with which you can set up a virtual store quickly and free of charge. The platform was launched in February 2021 by U.S. entrepreneur Tim Parsa.
In the case of Cubans, registration is free and no huge commissions or fees are applied to sales of products and services. This is possible due to the integration with Mihavi DAO components such as QvaPay, an international payment gateway that allows conversion from cryptocurrencies to Cuban pesos and freely convertible currency (MLC).
Among the benefits of the platform, the marketing actions that it helps you implement stand out. For example, it has two types of rewards that you can offer, which, in turn, help to encourage the business community and grow in sales. One of them corresponds to the percentage that goes to those who share the link to your store, and the other is nothing more than a fixed incentive for marketing actions in those groups or virtual communities in which you are interested in being promoted. All of this is automatic. You can also use it without offering rewards, although it is not recommended.
Once you decide on this way of advertising and start using Slyk, it is important that you configure your business correctly, offering the detailed information that the platform requests. In addition, it is of utmost importance that you take into account the formats (videos, images), product description and, in general, the visibility you are going to seek in these spaces. They need to break the electronic barrier and reach your customers simply and naturally, without much effort.
You should also use other tools such as the query option. This will let you know if your customer has any questions, needs more information, or simply wants to negotiate better prices. Meanwhile, when you start adding products to your catalog, you will be able to organize them through categories. Keep them in mind and always think about the needs of your customers.
May your desire to venture and grow be greater than the barriers. Here’s a simple way to get started, with just one click.