These days, the same thing occurs with customers in terms of their relationships with companies and products as in their romantic relationships: they have had so many bad experiences that they believe in them less and less. It’s more difficult for them to love and trust us. And here I state the obvious: without trust, there is no business, and without business there is no money. Therefore, in this issue I bring you some tips on how to earn the loyalty of your clients.

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I have found a new way to manage my time. I started running a month ago and I cover at least 20 to 25 kilometers a week, which means two and a half hours. During the first days, I did it listening to music, like everybody else, until I thought about doing something better during my run. So I started to listen to podcasts about entrepreneurship, and that’s why in this article I will talk about the ones I have found most interesting so far.

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I am one of those people who always champions competition, as this is the source of development and continuous improvement of products and services. Perhaps you have heard me say a thousand times that having competition is a good thing; and although this is very true, when someone appears offering a product or service similar to ours, its existence can appear less than good to us.

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I am sure that during this quarantine, you have heard a thousand times that you must do something productive; that you should ready yourself. I have talked with friends who want to study, and others who, despite knowing how important it is to be ready for when everything returns to normal, right now they just want to watch Netflix and rest. For this reason, I recommend 5 series that every entrepreneur should see. I hope you enjoy them.

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I’m among those who believe that success at the professional or personal level is not a question of luck: it requires work, training and skill to know how to make the most of the opportunities that present themselves. As an entrepreneur, or as someone who wants to press forward with a personal project, or lead a group of people, few things are more important than discipline.

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The number one objective of any enterprise is to have clients. Without them, our business simply does not exist. If we want to grow, it is essential to expand our position in the market. That is why in this issue I bring you 5 tips that will help you find new clients.

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Experience indicates that it is much more profitable for any enterprise to have employees who are both motivated and committed. Achieving this combination implies reaching a higher step on the ladder of success.

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If you are one of those people who prioritize security and tranquillity, or you don’t feel comfortable swimming against the tide, perhaps entrepreneurship is not for you. Although it may seem incredible, our greatest fear when we start a business (losing all the money invested) is not the biggest risk we face. Being unable to solve the various problems that an entrepreneur faces on a day-to-day basis, or not possessing the adequate knowledge to overcome failures, can be much worse.

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